

convergence means synergystic overlapping different techniques . The concept of convergence will be 100% foreign in the next few years , because this trend will be common standards (as it is now quite a lot ) . For example, Apple not only voice communications , but also through visual data of the text , which is a functional Web browser . One third dimension also increased the prosperity of social networks , because the ability to retain today's mobile devices to keep users connected to the network 24/ 7 . Mobile phones may be a more obvious example , but there are many more . All current video game consoles , PS3, XBOX360 and Wii offer Web browsing capabilities , voice and social networks while maintaining the main functions of the game entertainment . The current model cars offer GPS navigation , MP3 players, Bluetooth hands-free communication capability to the car's sound. Convergence future is unlimited, as I said earlier, this is the case , is almost unlimited

